Autumn in Switzerland, Emil Cardinaux
Autumn in Switzerland, Emil Cardinaux Enlarge

Autumn in Switzerland

Artist: Emil Cardinaux
Year: 1921
Size: 103 x 64.4 cm / 40.6 x 25.4″

About this poster

Emil Cardinaux laid the foundations for modern Swiss poster art with his simple style influenced by Hodler and the impressionists. His travel posters convey his love of nature and the mountains. The soft watercolours of this poster from 1921 are particularly lovely and make for an effective advertisement for autumn holidays in Switzerland.

Artist: Emil Cardinaux

Emil CARDINAUX (1877 Bern 1936)

Towards the end of the 19th century, the Swiss art scene underwent thorough transformation. The central figure in this development was the painter Ferdinand Hodler. He was the first among Swiss artists who dared to radically be himself. Even though Hodler never took on students, the art world soon coined the term “Hodlerians” for a small group of Bernese artists. What the... more

Emil CARDINAUX (1877 Bern 1936)

Towards the end of the 19th century, the Swiss art scene underwent thorough transformation. The central figure in this ...

development was the painter Ferdinand Hodler. He was the first among Swiss artists who dared to radically be himself. Even though Hodler never took on students, the art world soon coined the term “Hodlerians” for a small group of Bernese artists. What the... more

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