Lausanne Ausoni Sports, Etienne Delessert
Lausanne Ausoni Sports, Etienne Delessert Enlarge

Lausanne Ausoni Sports

Artist: Etienne Delessert
Year: 1986
Size: 70 x 50 cm / 27.6 x 19.7″
Price: CHF380

About this poster

Not only cat lovers will be delighted by this endearing poster design for the Lausanne fashion house ‘La Griffe Ausoni’. Original poster in small format, designed in 1987 by Lausanne-born illustrator, film author and designer of adventurous children's books Etienne Delessert.

Artist: Etienne Delessert

Etienne Delessert was born in 1941 in Lausanne and now lives in Connecticut.
Widely recognised as one of the finest contemporary illustrators, he is the creator of over 80 children’s books. In the United States his delightful and thought-provoking illustrations have won him nine gold and six silver medals from the Society of Illustrators, and the 1996 Hamilton King Award. He has been awarded the Premio ... more

Etienne Delessert was born in 1941 in Lausanne and now lives in Connecticut.
Widely recognised as one of the finest contemporary illustrators, he is the ...

creator of over 80 children’s books. In the United States his delightful and thought-provoking illustrations have won him nine gold and six silver medals from the Society of Illustrators, and the 1996 Hamilton King Award. He has been awarded the Premio ... more

Poster details

CHF 380.00Order