dc7c panair do brasil
Artist: Mary Vieira
Year: 1957
Size: 100 x 70 cm / 39.4 x 27.6″
Artist: Mary Vieira
Mary Vieira was a Brazilian sculptor born in 1927 in São Paulo.
She was educated at the University of Minas Gerais and received the
diploma of the Academy of visual art in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Until 1944 she sculpted and exhibited in Brazil and may be regarded as a pioneer of concrete art in Latin America. In 1952 she joined “Allianz” in Zurich. She also became a lecturer at the University of ... more
Mary Vieira was a Brazilian sculptor born in 1927 in São Paulo.
She was educated at the University of Minas Gerais and received the
diploma of
the Academy of visual art in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Until 1944 she sculpted and exhibited in Brazil and may be regarded as a pioneer of concrete art in Latin America. In 1952 she joined “Allianz” in Zurich. She also became a lecturer at the University of ... more
Poster details
- Poster No.: 2363
- Artist:
- Printer: Lithogravure & Cartonage AG Zürich
- Country:
- Size: 100 x 70 cm / 39.4 x 27.6″
- Printing technique:Lithograph in colours
- Condition:
Excellent condition. Picture preserved completely. Wrinkles and small tears, if any, restricted to edges. Mounted on acid-free Japanese vellum. - Category:
- Style:
- Keywords:
- Publications:100+3 Swiss Posters selected by Siegfried Odermatt
50 Jahre Schweizer Plakate, ausgezeichnet vom Eidg. Dep. des Innern - 50 years Swiss Posters selected by the Federal Department of Home Affairs
Constructive Posters - Bauhaus to Swiss Style
Das Schweizer Plakat - L‘affiche suisse - The Swiss Poster
Geschichte des Plakates
Schweizer Grafik: Die Entwicklung eines internationalen Stils 1920-1965
Schweizer Plakatkunst - Swiss Poster Art - Die besten Plakate der Jahre 1941-1965
Swiss Graphic Design: The Origins and Growth of an International Style 1920 - 1965