Billboards of Bruno Margadant, Bruno Margadant
Billboards of Bruno Margadant, Bruno Margadant Enlarge

Billboards of Bruno Margadant

Artist: Bruno Margadant
Year: 1999
Size: 128 x 90 cm / 50.4 x 35.4″
Price: CHF580

Artist: Bruno Margadant

Bruno Margadant was born in Zurich in 1929, grew up in Chur and was apprenticed as a typesetter. He worked in this profession for 30 years, preferably for newspapers. Fascinated by printed paper throughout his life, Margadant started collecting posters in 1950. He assembled three amazing collections: the Swiss Poster, Posters relating to the International Labour and Peace Movement, and Picasso’s Applied Graphics... more

Bruno Margadant was born in Zurich in 1929, grew up in Chur and was apprenticed as a typesetter. He worked in this profession for 30 years, preferably for ne ...

wspapers. Fascinated by printed paper throughout his life, Margadant started collecting posters in 1950. He assembled three amazing collections: the Swiss Poster, Posters relating to the International Labour and Peace Movement, and Picasso’s Applied Graphics... more

Poster details

CHF 580.00Order