Willi Eidenbenz
Willi Eidenbenz was born in Zurich in 1909. From 1928 to 1929 he attended the Zurich School of Arts and Crafts (Kunstgewerbeschule), where he was instructed by Ernst Keller and Otto Baumberger, and from 1930 to 1932 he studied at the arts and crafts school in Magdeburg, Germany. In 1933 he founded the Eidenbenz studio for photography and graphic design in Basel with his brothers Hermann and Reinhold, and later had his own studio in Binningen/BL from 1972. The Eidenbenz brothers’ studio was one of the first businesses that brought together photography and graphic design and had a significant impact on the development of the “Swiss Style”.
Posters by Willi Eidenbenz